10 Ideas for Celebrating a Jesse Tree Advent with Pre-Schoolers

It was with great excitement that we faced the holidays with our firstborn.

Here was our own chance to focus on what we wanted to focus on, spend our time as we wanted to, teach what we wanted to teach. And we both had a hunger for Christ to be more central to this holiday that is supposed to celebrate Him.

Somehow though, often, in our American traditions, He can even become lost in loving our friends and family and doing good.

We had read Luke 2 on Christmas morning, but in order to foster a true anticipation for the “Long Expected Jesus” there had to be more build up to this day. There had to be more emphasis than an impatient prayer just before we tore into gifts.

And this was our chance to explore what that could mean.


We began following a Jesse Tree tradition which eventually led to us writing and creating our own list of Biblical stories to celebrate.  


Still, starting Old Testament lessons with a squirmy two year old is not easy. Can it work?



Hop over to Living Free Indeed today to read our 

10 Ideas for Celebrating a

Jesse Tree Advent with Pre-Schoolers


10 ideas for celebrating Jesse Tree Advent with Preschoolers www.intentionaltraditons.com



You can check out the Intentional Traditions Jesse Tree Advent sets for Christmas and Easter/Passover in our Etsy shop – www.intentionaltradition.etsy.com!


And read more about our reasons for celebrating Christmas in a unique way:



Jesse Tree Advent Plan intentionaltraditions.com  #jessetree #advent






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