10 Days of Scriptural Valentine’s Day Notes! Day 1

A Free Printable gift from God’s Word for your children!


“So we have come to know and believe the love that God has for us.”

-1 John 4:16


Recently this verse struck a deep chord within me. A strong desire for my children not only to hear often about God’s love but to come to know and believe in it. That phrase has become part of my nightly prayer and blessing for them. How often we as adults struggle with trusting this idea and I deeply want to plant this in my children’s hearts and minds if possible.


One step toward this this year is to leave them a “love note” from a book rich with words about God’s love for us and how then we should love others- 1 John.

You can download and print the 10 Hearts to give to your loved ones each day here. You can write your own personal note on the back and decorate or attach candy (who wouldn’t love that!). I’m going to stick mine on their door each morning.


10 days of scriptural prayers for your kids from 1 John Day 1 of 10 www.intentionaltraditions.com #valentinesideas #biblevalentines #bibleforkids

Make the Most Impact

The verses may also lead to a good dinner discussion on how we love others or deal with those who were unloving today. These moments will help to equip them for the tough challenges they face in their own little world. We want to train them to respond in sacrificial love out of an awareness that God loves them.


I will also be posting Parent’s Prayers to match the verse and Valentine for each day. This is a good way to pray over your child or for your relationship with them. I love to pray over them while they are sleeping; when they are cute and still and all the troubles of the day are forgotten. Day 1 Parent’s Prayer is given below.

Don’t worry about what day you are starting- even the 10 days after Valentine’s Day would be a special surprise.


So, Mom’s and Dad’s,

*What ideas have you used to explain God’s love to your kids?

*If you use these hearts, please share how!


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Parent’s Prayer Day 1:

1 John 4:16 – Lord, More than anything I want my children to come to know and believe the love that You have for them. Help me today through my patience and kindness to display that love You have for them. I want to dwell with You and in Your love and bless my children today by this example. In Jesus’ strength, Amen.