Valentine’s Parent’s Prayer Day 8: 10 Days of Valentine’s

Today’s verse is an encouragement naturally. Imagine it spoken to you by our brother in Christ, John, linking himself to “us” as the Church. 1 John 4:7 – “Beloved (you), Let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God, and knows God.”

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Parent’s Prayer Day 8:

1 John 4:7 – Lord, Show us today the overlooked ways that we do not love others fully. The times that we ignore, or pass by, or give no attention. The moments that we have not let Your love invade. The times that are too busy to show Your love inside of us. Forgive us for cutting short what Your love would do. By Your power, help us to change habits this weeks in small ways. Help us become aware of any bias or busyness or selfishness. Help my children and me to display that we have been born again of You with our generous and patient love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.   

You can download and print the 10 Hearts

to give to your loved ones each day here   

“So we have come to know and believe the love that God has for us.”

-1 John 4:16