Valentine’s Parent’s Prayer Day 7: 10 Days of Valentine’s

Today I am very thankful for a husband that follows up on and supports my ideas.

He knows the boIMG_8324 (3)ys well and prays for them. And uses words like Warts in his Valentine.

And last night in return they gave us Valentine’s from church. I feel like we must be doing something right as parents to receive such understood kidding and love.



IMG_8310 (2)My youngest son was excited to give me this coloring sheet because the hearts are scalloped like my Verse Hearts here, and he made it “my color”, which is notoriously turquoise.



And this was given to Dad by our oldest son. Admittedly, we change the words on most cards we buy to better fit our sentiment. (This was not found disrespectful.)

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“You are weird.”

The word Swell was too easy of a set up.
(Wow for recycling to the leaders that held onto these cards since the 90’s and offered them to the kids to use!)

I love this verse because it is the John 3:16 of 1 John. It proclaims the love and sacrifice of Jesus for us but goes a step further to say we may be called to lay our lives down for our brothers.

Parent’s Prayer Day 7:

1 John 3:16 – Thank You, Father, that You taught us just what love is. My heart Knows love because it knows You. In a world of confusing messages about what pure love is, You defined it long ago by laying down Your life for us. Give us an understanding of this and love so intense for each other that we would be willing to lay our life down for another. May You be glorified in our life and our death. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Do your kids show their thoughtfulness in odd ways? Share it with us.

You can download and print the 10 Hearts to give to your loved ones each day here.    


“So we have come to know and believe the love that God has for us.”

-1 John 4:16



10 days of scriptural prayers for your kids from 1 John Day 7 of 10 #valentinesideas #biblevalentines #bibleforkids