Making the Most of Little Moments

Making the Most of Little Moments #intentionalparenting #familytime #Newyearstraditions


My kids are really interested in us telling childhood memories lately. I realize we often say that our parents always did something when it probably only happened a few times.

Like our history of bowling or going to minor league baseball games. Did we really go every week? What will my kids say, “My parents always...?”

I want my kids mental memory books to be filled with snapshots of family time. I want to be remembered as making any day special. That I took just a little time to create within any occasion, simple, peaceful moments where our worlds slowed down together.

For us, one simple way is just to do the opposite of whatever is “normal” or expected. Like sitting over the coffee table in the living room to eat, Mediterranean style. If sitting around the coffee table is normal for you, then eating at the dining table draped with tablecloth or on the special plates. Indoor picnic? Dinner outside? Whatever seems different seems more fun.

For New Year’s Eve this year I made up a tray of simple food (good way to clear out the fridge!) and hot chocolate, lit the fireplace, and we enjoyed the evening with the kids, staying up as late as they could make it, watching a favorite epic movie. Everyone was relaxed and loved it.




I use a tray or inexpensive plastic gold charger for just such an event, loaded with veggies, fruit, crackers, dip, cheese, and mini hot dog rolls. It’s easy prep, no dirty dishes, no cooking necessarily needed, quick, frugal and requires little cleanup- which is an essential quality that seems to make all my lists! Great for a spontaneous decision to depart from the norm.

It doesn’t matter if it’s an official holiday or just a long, tired Monday, I want the kids memories to be filled with us slowing down to have time for just us. Listening. Playing games. Laughing. Not fussing too much over food prep or clean-up. And one day to hear them say to the next generation, “When I was a kid we always ate on the porch in our pajamas.”

Well, at least twice.


What does your family do to make fun days amidst the mundane?



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  1. Love this. I like to do “movie night” we switch off the lights watch a mutually agreed movie with popcorn mixed with M&Ms.

    My boys love it. Doesnt matter the time of day lol

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