Reflecting the Creator: Using our Talents for His Glory

This week I had the opportunity to tell the roots of my story and how we got started at creating Jesse Tree Advent ornaments at Created to Glorify. 

Even as a young girl I loved to create and experiment with any craft supplies I could get my hands on during my 80’s childhood! 

Here’s a little excerpt – 


Created to Glorify Jennifer Love“Hi! My name is Jennifer Love and I have been begging for buttons and thread for as long as I can remember.

It all began in my grandmother’s recliner. I spent my summers and time after school at her house, and with a one-hour-a-day tv restriction, there were many hours left wide open for creativity. We drew, and did puzzles and listened to records and learned to sew. I remember sitting in her recliner by the living room lamp, squinting over cross stitch pattern books and making uncomfortable pillows drenched in buttons. Not everything I made was worth keeping but the freedom to create with my hands has remained as an unshakeable part of me….”


Click over to Created to Glorify to read the rest of my interview and story! 


Reflecting the Creator: Jennifer Love's Jesse Tree ornament set and curriculum #christmasgiftideas #jessetree


Here are our other original family resources available through our

Product page and Etsy shop!

Pin these to remember later! 


Reflecting the Creator



Bible in Stories by Jennifer Love #christmasgiftideas #jessetree Passover Easter Jesse Tree Advent Ornament set and lesson  #christmasgiftideas #jessetree

And if you are searching for ways to start meaningful Christmas traditions, here are idea articles to help get started: