Jesse Tree Add-ins: Adding last-minute depth to your Advent Reading

Can sticky notes & socks be used to make Advent more special & memorable? 

We’ve been doing Advent for many years now and whether you are new to this or an old pro, it’s fun to add in little elements of surprise. Today we’ve chosen one idea for each night that can be assembled quickly and chosen to match the story.

You may not think singing and snacking add theological depth to the story, but they do add depth in memories. When you dwell on the lesson or include something physical, they have a second memory to add to the ornament symbol. You’ll have another memory to reference -“Remember the night we ate goldfish by the tree? God’s love is like…

It’s up to you how you deepen the conversation over the years as they ask questions and you can ask more of them. My oldest is in middle school and still looks forward to Advent every night of December! And without stress, we hope these will help those who need a silly way to end the day together. 

Seriously simple is our intention. As in, grab a flashlight or banana and you’re ready to go! 

*Note: Most Jesse Tree lists vary slightly, but these should match most of the stories. We are following the list in our book, “His Story: Biblical Events Pointing Toward Jesus” by Don Love. Ours places special emphasis on the prophets.  

Jesse Tree Add-ins: Adding last-minute depth to your Advent Reading #advent #jesse #adventideas

If you want to get ready ahead of time, here is a list of supplies we suggest. Some are foods or a toy your child will choose and will need to be found at the time of Advent but everything else you likely have around.

Supply list:

  • Candle, matches
  • Paper/notebook
  • Sticky notes
  • Crayons, pencils
  • Small amount of Blocks/Legos
  • Piece of fruit, Pretzel sticks/Graham crackers, Goldfish
  • A safe Garage or Kitchen tool  
  • Flashlight

A Jesse Tree Add-in for Every Night:

Download your Printable list here

  1. Creation – Start evening with lights off or dimmed & light a candle like God’s creative work creating light. 
  2. The Fall – Cut up a piece of fruit & share it during the story.
  3. The Flood – Have them bring their favorite stuffed animal to Advent time. We also squirted our kids with a spray bottle every we read the word “rain” in the story.
  4. Nations – Grab a few blocks or Legos & build a tower together.
  5. Abraham – Sing “Father Abraham” song & dance together.
  6. Isaac – Draw sheep & see whose is the cutest, funniest, most realistic. Tell them why Jesus was called the Lamb of God & how He substituted to save us.
  7. Jacob – Make a ladder from pretzel sticks or graham crackers.
  8. Joseph – Wear your bathrobe or coat to Advent time.
  9. Moses & Exodus – Wrap up a doll, hide it & have them find it & hold for the reading. 
  10. Moses & Law – Write “the Law” on a sticky note & stick on their head and hand. Why did God think it was important to keep His laws visibly before the Israelites? How was that to help them?
  11. Joshua – March around the table 7 times with a candle & sing “Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho!” 
  12. Judges – Suggest 1 idea to do together in December & have a family vote. Pick 1 judge to decide if a tie.
  13. Samuel – Play a whisper game. Have kids close eyes & you whisper their name progressively louder until they can hear you & open their eyes. Talk about ways we can listen to God. 
  14. Branch of Jesse – Pick a branch from outside or a houseplant & discuss how it grows -seed to root to stem to leaf; how Jesus will stem from David’s family line (Jesse, David’s father) to fulfill the prophecy of a king to rule forever through David.
  15. David – Make a yellow paper crown to wear (keep it stored for Day 25).
  16. Solomon – Fill a sack or sock with change like Solomon’s riches. Let them count it or play hide & seek with your “treasure” sack. 
  17. Pre-Exilic Prophets (Jeremiah, Amos, Hosea, Joel, Micah, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Jeremiah) – Since these prophets reminded the people of the covenant with Moses, act out, draw or retell the story of Moses from birth to receiving the Commandments on Mt. Sinai.  
  18. Prophets to other Nations (Jonah, Nahum, Obadiah ) – Share Goldfish for a snack. God’s Word was sent out & shared to other nations as well. How can we share it?       
  19. Exilic Prophets (Daniel, Ezekiel) – Make a pile of pretzel sticks. Have them create a body out of the pretzel “bones”. Talk about God’s power to re-create something out of nothing, as He will do again someday.  
  20. Post-Exilic Prophets (Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi) – The second temple was built out of Israel’s poverty instead of Solomon’s wealth during this time. Ask God what is one thing in your life you can offer Him that’s not money. Draw one big picture of your family members giving these offerings to God. 
  21. John the Baptist – Yell something like what John the Baptist did, “Make a straight path for the Lord! He will guide our path into the way of peace!” Turn the lights off & shine a flashlight on the floor for your path as you walk around the house.
  22. Mary – Cut out a red paper heart & write names of Jesus on it, like Emmanuel. Make it into an ornament & hang it up.
  23. Joseph – Grab a garage too (or kitchen tool) to talk about Joseph’s life as a carpenter every day. Explain the tool & let them hold it carefully. What tools would he have used? What do you think it would have been like to build furniture & toys for & with the boy you knew would grow to be a Savior?
  24. Journey to Bethlehem – Bundle up & take a short walk outside (or in the house) to think about their hard journey to Bethlehem. Look for the brightest star in the sky like the Wise Men did.
  25. Birth of Jesus – Place David’s crown under or on the tree to celebrate the birth of King Jesus. David began as a king and Jesus remains a King forever. We can live with Jesus as King of our hearts!

We hope you have simple, silly fun with your children! Let us know how it goes!

It’s important that their memories with you teaching them the Bible are patient and loving. You are making a great investment in not only their trust and relationship with you as they one they can ask questions, but as a spiritual authority in your household and one they will talk with about the Most important decisions, like making Jesus King of their hearts! 

  • There are more songs, ideas and hand-motions in our FREE e-book of 25 day Curriculum. Download “His Story: Biblical Events Pointing Toward Jesus” by Don Love here.
  • If you are looking for a beautiful, legacy set of children’s Bible stories, with a focus on Biblical accuracy, we use the “Bible in Stories” by Jennifer Love.
  • We also offer handmade Jesse Tree Advent ornament sets and printed version of our original book “His Story: Biblical Events Pointing Toward Jesus” by Don Love in our Etsy shop. 


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