Tiny Advent for Tiny Hearts

When my firstborn was 2 years old I jumped into teaching him the Old Testament.

Well…I propped open the big Bible picture book and introduced him to our flawed and faithful fathers and the history we had dedicated ourselves to study. He tried to slam the book shut, climbed down off my lap, pulled my hair and look at everything but Abraham. But I vowed to try again next year anyway because I believed in starting this tradition.

Each year it grew and changed based upon my children’s age, skill and attention span. This year will be our 13th celebrated Advent and they will be telling us the stories from memory and we will be asking the questions. The tables have turned because they know now the order of the stories that trace from Adam to Christ and our conversations have deepened.

These videos and lessons will be for those of you at the starting line, wanting the lesson meaning to big but the story bite-sized. I hope it will be a helpful (and realistic) resource for a mini-lesson for you to Teach, Ask, & Do together.

These one minute videos will be for those who want to begin an Advent tradition with their littlest ones so even with a two or three year old you can begin sharing a short but important Bible story, following the major characters and events of the old and New Testament leading up to the birth of Jesus!

Each day of December I will give a tiny lesson to teach, a question to ask and talk about as a family, and something simple and fun to do together that is a tangible reminder of the story. Often just grabbing a favorite toy or acting something out.

The lesson transcript will be in the comments so you can teach them yourselves. I have taken my handmade felt ornaments and made them into decal wooden ornaments for you to go with a book of more detail lessons written by my husband Dr Don Love, “His Story: Biblical Events leading to Christ“. You can read more about how we started and have utilized Advent lessons throughout the years if you search for articles on: Advent.

I’ll see you on December 1 for Minute Advent! Here is Day 1 and the rest follow on my Youtube channel.

Resources to check out:

Jesse Tree Christmas Advent ornaments

His Story book

Jesse Tree Advent for Christmas & Passover/Easter