6 Adorable Ways to Display your Jesse Tree

Don’t you love to peek into someone else’s home to see how they decorate with the same basic elements for Christmas?!

One of the many blessings of creating our own Jesse Tree Advent ornaments has been seeing the wonderfully creative ways that the same set is displayed and to receive pictures from around the world. 

Here are a few favorite ideas!


6 Adorable Ways to Display Your Jesse Tree www.intentionaltraditions.com #Jessetree #christmasdecorations #meaningfulchristmas


Storage While you Wait

We keep our Advent ornaments hidden in a tin, but you could display them and watch them disappear as you count down to Christmas.

I love this chicken wire and frame display. One by one they come day each day and the kids have a great visual of how close Christmas is by how many are left! Great way to build anticipation!


6 Adorable ways to display your Jesse Tree www.intentionaltraditions.com #christmasdecorations #jessetree #meaningfulchristmas



Traditional Tree Alternatives

I love the look of this full wreath with the ornaments hung from the branches.

What a beautiful centerpiece or versatile way to hang your “Jesse Tree” in any room!


6 Adorable ways to display your Jesse Tree www.intentionaltraditions.com #christmasdecorations #jessetree #meaningfulchristmas


Want to keep your ornaments out of reach of little hands of a teething toddler?

I’m in love with this garland hung on a bookshelf to display the Jesse Tree ornaments!

With one of my other favorite sets- the Willow Tree nativity!


6 Adorable ways to display your Jesse Tree www.intentionaltraditions.com #christmasdecorations #jessetree #meaningfulchristmas


Why not look around your house for a vase, jar, or bottle to display your ornaments?

I love this look and the branches are just so perfect for the theme – a branch will shoot up from the root of Jesse (David) and will rule forever (Jesus)!

I’m sure the glow of lights in this part of the room make it a special space of remembrance. 


6 Adorable ways to display your Jesse Tree www.intentionaltraditions.com #christmasdecorations #jessetree #meaningfulchristmas


What do you do if you live in a region of the world where indoor pine trees are not a thing? From friends overseas, I love their white tree display that builds from the bottom up!

Or using branches from your yard (crepe myrtle) to create a hand-made display for your hand-made ornaments. I appreciate the verse from Galatians at the top as well! What a great place to add in a verse for the family to memorize each week of Advent! 

The ideas for creative purpose and intention are endless! 


On a Separate Special Jesse Tree

A fun way that gives your Jesse Tree ornaments their own place to shine is on a secondary tree. This one has 2 sets of Jesse Tree ornaments- the Intentional Traditions set and Ann Voskamp’s, The Greatest Gift set. It is accessible to the kids and can be a special centerpiece to your lessons. 


6 Adorable Ways to Display Your Jesse Tree www.intentionaltraditions.com #Jessetree #christmasdecorations #meaningfulchristmas  

On Your Traditional Christmas Tree 

I enjoy seeing traditional Christmas trees dotted with their Jesse Tree ornaments and mixed in with their family favorites!

I’ve loved many trees too that have picked Scriptural themes like Peace or Names of God and who have carefully decorated this American Christmas symbol in a Christ-centered way.  

6 Adorable ways to display your Jesse Tree www.intentionaltraditions.com #christmasdecorations #jessetree #meaningfulchristmas


We intentionally only use the Jesse Tree ornaments on our tree. The tree itself has become a symbol of many famous trees in the Bible: symbolic of the tree (all plants & life) in creation, the Tree of the knowledge of good, and the Tree of the knowledge of evil.  We felt this was an effective way to redeem the perhaps pagan tradition of the Christmas tree and make it instead a Christ-centered symbol, welcome in our living room and having a purpose.  


Which one is your favorite?

Have an idea for inspiration? Share it below in the Comments!


6 Adorable Ways to Display Your Jesse Tree www.intentionaltraditions.com #Jessetree #christmasdecorations #meaningfulchristmas

Other Intentional articles on your Christmas Tree: 


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