7 Days of Scriptural Valentine Cards

There is a special feeling in getting surprised. In feeling remembered. In being noticed.

And in a million ways we can be that loving influence for a child in our lives. The one that makes them feel cared for in small and simple ways. And be the important voice that reminds them of God’s constant love, always available to them.

We’ve created these customizable Valentine cards for just this purpose – to share your love for them and express Lord’s love for them!

7 Days of Scriptural Valentines www.intentionaltraditions.com #printablevalentines #biblevalentines


On the front is a verse each day from 1 John about God’s love. On the inside you can inscribe their names into a personal prayer for them and also pen your own reasons why they are special to you!


Click here to receive instant download from our Etsy shop for $2 and begin a special tradition! They are adorable printed in full color or B&W so –

Why not….

  • Have it waiting for them at breakfast?intentionaltraditions.com
  • Include as a Lunchbox note?
  • Place in their book bag or toys?
  • Hang it on the door to greet them when they come home?
  • Decorate their door frame or bed?
  • Post to a mirror?
  • Give them and pray over them at bedtime?
  • Stick in their car?
  • Hide and make a game of it?
  • Give to a spouse, friend or co-worker?


Whenever you start or whatever you do, they will love that you were thinking of them and will be eternally blessed that you are praying for them!

Etsy link for 1 John Valentine’s Cards




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