Be The Light Party: a Halloween Alternative for Christians

I was out late one night at a coffee shop by myself – where all the best brainstorming happens, right?

I was thinking through this season. The Halloween decorations were already imposing on every end cap at the grocery store, literally staring us in the face and asking for attention. And once again, I cringed as I ducked beneath an over-arching Grim Reaper and jumped at a candy-bowl hand that grabbed at me.

I’m thankful that my children are no longer so small that I have to steer them around the gruesome masks or cackling witch displays at their eye level. But I do still get to steer how they approach this popular American holiday with their heart and mind.

So…back to the coffee shop.

My mind began to fill with ideas, picturing friends and neighbors filling my yard on a night we normally ignore, but making this a worshipful night. I jotted down notes and hurried home to ask my husband about trying out something new on October 31. We were still pursuing how to redeem this day as the Lord’s without jumping in to celebrations we were uncomfortable with. But maybe we could host a “Be the Light Party” and turn our yard into something beautiful on this dark night!

The next morning I opened right up to an article by online friends and ministers in Las Vegas, writing about how they have hosted a Light Party for SIX whole years now!

Don’t you love when you think you are onto something – only to find out you’re not the first? I’ve been choosing more often to see that as the vast way that God moves through the heart of His universal Church. It is exciting to me to think of the same idea being carried out throughout the country. Since then I’ve read of many others who have made this idea a tradition.


Be the light party A Halloween Alternative for christians



So, I’ve called up the college students on my prayer team to help me…

  • decorate the porch and yard with Christmas lights and lamps 
  • pull out all our lawn chairs and make inviting groups to sit in
  • pass out candy and serve hot cider
  • perhaps play worship music or pass out hand-drawn verses
  • and offer to pray with the parents that stop by or write down requests







We pray for our house to be a place of refuge. A little house on a hill where you feel a sense of peace when you walk in. Many have said this is true. And on this night that it will shine as a bright place in this night that revels in darkness and spookiness.

We can be a place of light mood, offer to lighten their burdens, and also steer our children in the direction of welcoming and serving others.

I am now looking forward to this night and opportunity. 


be the light party: a Halloween alternative for Christians


And Living our Priorities has done their research on the roots of Halloween and also, what you need to host your own Light Party! Check them out for a free checklist on how to get started. We are following their lead and adding our own flair that a crew of college helpers might contribute. 



We will post pictures that day of our set up and how it’s going that evening so follow us on Instagram or tag us if you are hosting a similar night at your house! Link with us and let us know! 



Other articles about Halloween: 




  1. This blesses me so much. Our heart’s desire is to see Light Parties around the world Christians INTENTIONALLY being the LIGHT on the darkest night of the year! Praise God. Can’t wait to hear how it goes.

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