How to Lay Burdens Down Around Christmas – Or Anytime of the Year!

Laying down Burdens Before Christmas #healingprayer #intentionalliving #christmaspreparationsThe holiday is finally here.

You may have shopped and baked and cleaned ahead of time, but when those tasks are checked off the list, what else remains to prepare? What about your emotional preparation? We’ve rushed to this moment and if not intentional will drag our collection of mixed emotions into this “time off”. Most of us feel it, but do we have to?

Is there a way to address the stress, anxiety, anger, worry, depression, heaviness we feel so that we enter these busy holidays with more peace? Are there actually practical steps to do this?

The Lord has been teaching us that it’s possible to lay down burdens that we don’t need to carry and in that space receive His needed fruit of the Spirit, which is what we do need to possess. Sound like good news? If you are tired of feeling drained, anxious or weary, or any other emotion that’s unwelcome in your life, why not seek God’s guidance in cutting you free from these feelings? I’ve written a prayer exercise at the end to help you to invite Him into these feelings before Christmas instead of trying to bear through another holiday alone. 

Why? I know from working with college ministry that returning home to family is not always a Hallmark movie scene for many.

The Christmas dinner table may be surrounded with people that represent criticism, abuse, suppressed secrets or may be those that we are jealous of, worried about physically, or grieving with. Perhaps who is not at the table this year is this biggest emotional hindrance.

As you have thought ahead about this holiday, these fears or concerns may be what you have been trying to push aside, hoping the extra decorating or cookies will bring the “joy” we are all supposed to feel. 

But they don’t go away. And so you hope to “muddle through somehow.” 

However, maybe the greatest lesson we can learn this season is a step toward making more room for Emmanuel within us. To stop trying to manipulate, scheme or juggle the difficult relationships in our lives with fake smiles or TV distractions and instead have more love from within to offer. Love the Lord Himself has given us because we let Him carry the wound or worry we are afraid of. 

For example, the Lord showed me in prayer that my massive striving for “Perfect Pre-preparations” were getting in the way of my enjoying time with my family. I’m constantly thinking about next week’s needs and not always appreciating today. It’s a weight I didn’t need to carry. I asked Him, Why? Where does that come from?

“Though I had good holidays as a kid, I wanted whatever I make to be even better.” Why?

The hidden reason? “Because I thought this would make my kid’s memories of me better and that they would love me even more.” Yuck! (It’s amazing what starts out benevolent but can become twisted in our intentions.)

Lord, Is that picture of the future true? His response, No…” 

I’ll hold onto the details of my private conversations with the Lord but hopefully you get the idea. I gave Him this misguided ambition based upon a discouraging thought and receive His strategies and truth in their place.   

See how in only a few minutes I might be able to re-set a pattern that would have hindered my holidays, if I choose to take His easier burden, and also walk in truth rather than misguided benevolence (or a LIE)?

Let me highly encourage you to stop TODAY and hand over one burden to the Lord. See how He sees it, what He does with it, what He wants you to hold on to instead. And to see if that makes a difference this week. If so, invite Him to do the same as you enter New Year’s with it’s lofty goals, back to work, back to school, etc. He is the same in every season. 

Laying down Burdens Before Christmas #healingprayer #intentionalliving #christmaspreparations

With pen and paper and a quiet place to listen, meet with the Lord and pray through a burden something like this –

Prayer Exercise to Lay Down a Burden

Father, who loves me and knows my name, would You help everything I have been juggling inside to rest and would You help my heart to come to peace? (Wait in patience for things to slow down. Jot down your to-do list quickly and then fold it up if you can’t quit thinking about it.)

Would You speak to my heart at this time and help me not to be distracted? I surrender my thoughts and emotions to Your guidance.

Lord, would You show me the heaviest weight I have been carrying about this season? (What is the strongest or biggest thing that comes to mind?)

*Was it an emotion or circumstance? (With that weight in mind) Would You show me why this has become such a burden? Is there something untrue I am believing about this? What is the root of that belief or lie? Would You show me the truth instead? (Write these impressions down.)

*Was it a person? (With that person in mind) Why does this person feel like a burden? Would You show me anything I need to forgive this person for? (Can you hand this person over to Jesus? What does He do toward them? Ask Him what He wants you to do/feel toward them.)

Lord, will You give me relief from these burdens by re-framing this situation? How are You here to help me with this problem? (Write down your new thoughts toward this.)

What would You give me in place of this burden, to equip me to face my family or circumstances? (Picture handing Him your burden and embrace the gift He wants to give you. Feel it emotionally leave you and go to Him. If you can’t receive that gift, ask Him, Why? What’s standing in the way? Is it a lie or the truth? Does what you want to give Him serve you in some twisted way?)

Thank You, Lord that I can trust You with my burdens. Please remind me of Your offer when I get stressed and forget. Help me to walk in light of the Truth You reveal. 



Got stuck? Have questions or want someone to pray through things with you?

You can email to talk more.


  1. What a great exercise! Thank you for this reminder as it is so easy to get wrapped up (no pun intended) in the business of the season. Then when we look back, sometimes we aren’t satisfied because we were emotional ready for this time of year.

  2. I think this is extremely important to remember during this time. The holidays is always meant to be a nice time, but the true spirit of can be detracted from due to all the stress we carry around. I love this sentiment to remind us what the holidays are really about <3

  3. Man I love this. I specifically love how you said “Is this the future true?” I have never thought about this, but I so often live my life with such a skewed sense of future reality, when all the while, God is just beckoning me to come to Him and let Him carry me. I love your prayer prompt too. It’s such a great prayer tool.

    1. Yes, I think we often are fearing A future, even if we don’t realize it. Often there is just stress about things we can’t control or what we think we’re doomed to face when it’s not what God has for us. Hope this leads to some fruitful, freeing conclusions!

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