Sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom with Your Children

I am always trying to plan ahead when it comes to my boy’s lives. Instead of buying age appropriate baby toys, I purchased a toddler tool set for my boys. It was so much cuter to see the boys chewing on a toy wrench or toy sliding miter square than chewing on some baby toy.

Then, when they got a little older, I taught them how to pretend to use these toys along with a toy tablesaw and drillpress that came with the set. They stopped chewing on their toys and began using the toy wrench to drive plastic bolts. Then once they were a bit older, I got them a real wrench and ratchet set and their Pop made them a real workbench that they could use their real tools along side me in my shop.

Being a parent is a kind of rebirth of childhood. It is when we resurrect our old toys in the hope that our children could possibly enjoy them as much as we did when our days were spent engrossed playing on the floor of our bedroom. We eagerly wait with anticipation for that day when our children’s little hearts will experience the same joy that we did when our toys were new. And as we do this, something reawakens inside of us and we become not only be their parents, but their playmates as well – the ones that they look to for both wisdom and fun.

But this relationship goes deeper than that as we look to the day when we will share our faith with them. It may seem easier to figure out how to explain how a toy works than it is to explain faith and salvation, but if we plan ahead a bit we can share our faith with them a little at a time. Before they can even talk, we begin by praying for them and with them. As we teach them animal noises, we teach them about the God who created them all. And then, sooner then you might think, they begin asking amazing questions – but only have an attention span of a few sentences. And then the day comes when you decide that it is time to share the Gospel of Jesus with them.


It is so important that when we reach this point that we do not simply get them to say a prayer or have them “ask Jesus into their heart” without them really understanding the Gospel. After spending quite some time considering the Gospel message, here is how I have presented the Gospel to my children.


Perhaps this is something that you could read to them to help simplify the Gospel, while at the same time hitting the important points:

“God the Father created the world through His Son and His Spirit and everything in the world the way that it should be – a perfect place (a perfect paradise). There was no death or sickness, no stealing, no murder, no hate. God, people, and animals all lived together and were happy. However, people chose to do things their own way, rather than God’s way and messed everything up. This is why the world is the way that it is today. Not because God wanted it this way, but because we chose to go our own way.

But God had mercy on us and gave us His Scripture and through His prophets He predicted that a man would come who would suffer for the people and would rule forever in the Kingdom of God that was to come. People from all around the world would come and worship Him in this Kingdom. God would be with us again and we would no longer need to fear the animals. Lambs would lay down with lions and children would play with snakes and not be bitten!

But God the Father surprised the world by not only sending a human king, but by sending His Son to become a man named Jesus. Jesus told us that if we obeyed His commandments, and trusted Him, we would live an abundant life – a life so good that no matter what good or bad happened to us, we could have Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Gentleness, Patience, Self-control, and Endurance.

And He explained that He knew a way to make everything be good again. He would have to die to make things right, but we should not fear because He had the power to lay down His life and take it up again. After He died, He rose again and went to heaven to make a place for us in God the Father’s house. He explained that while He was away He would send His Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, who would lead us, guide us, teach us, remind us of all things, and show us things to come. This Spirit would come and live inside of us to help us understand things and He would be the one who would give us His Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Gentleness, Patience, Self-control, and Endurance until the day that we move in to live in the Father’s House the Kingdom of God where Jesus rules forever.”


How might we Pray and Respond to the Gospel of the Kingdom?

Considering their age and interest to the story above, these are some questions we can ask, in more concrete terms: 

Are you willing today to admit that you have done things your own way rather than God’s? Are you willing to accept Jesus as the King of your life and allow Him to make a way for you to be forgiven and someday enter God’s Kingdom in Heaven?

If so, would you give surrender yourself over to Him as a Son or Daughter in His Kingdom? If so, would you pray this prayer? As you do, picture yourself giving your heart and mind over to Jesus that we might think and feel the way He did in paradise?


Father God, I know that I do things my way rather than Yours. 

I want to be Your Child in Your Kingdom. 

I am so sorry for doing bad things. I want to do the right things.

Please forgive me. So, from this day forward, I give myself to You.

You are my God and King and I promise to follow You through Jesus’ Teachings and His Spirit that He has sent to guide me.




What has been your approach to sharing the Gospel (Good news) with your children? Have you thought through what you want that message to be? It is our desire that you do not approach this important role with fear, but feel equipped to approach it with excitement and an anticipation greater than looking forward to sharing an old favorite toy. We’d love any time to help answer questions to help you feel equipped. 



You can Read Part 1,  2 and 3 of our series here:

How Almost Ruining my Emotional Son Led to my Spiritual Renewal

Wholeness or Bitterness: The Power of a Father’s Words

Gender, Sexuality, Morality and Religion: What our Spiritual Journey has to do with our Children’s 

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