Valentine’s Parent’s Prayer Day 10: 10 Days of Valentine’s

Today’s verse and prayer for my children will take on even greater meaning, I expect, after today. We got to experience the Compassion International Experience that came to our town; to listen to the stories of children around the world in desperate need of teaching, food, necessities and hope through sponsorship. We took this very seriously, knowing this would be a long-term commitment and something we wanted our boys to take an active role in. I want to add the name and face of this little boy in South America to the prayers every day for my own two sons. My oldest asked if he could consider our sponsored boy like a brother. I hope this will help him grow in interest and compassion for the millions of faces that God would shine His great love upon.

If you would like to learn more about this sponsorship check out:

Parent’s Prayer Day 10:

1 John 4: 9-10 – Father, Thank You that Your love is not kept reserved and far from us. What an extension of Yourself to send Your Son down to walk the dirt among us! Thank You for the new life that we may live through You. I pray for that life for my sons (here and around the world); a life of freedom, purpose, and hope, living in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

You can download and print the 10 Hearts IMG_8280to give to your loved ones each day here. 


“So we have come to know and believe the love

that God has for us.”

-1 John 4:16